Instore Radio meets AI

Music as unique as your store

Storemoods creates a sound atmosphere your customers will like by generating an individual in-store radio program based on data – automatically.


Music playback

A unique real­time gener­ated music program for each store based on store char­ac­ter­istics, weather, customer count and more. 



Intu­itive plan­ning and intel­li­gent play­back of promo­tional audio spots – regard­less of whether three or 1,000 stores are managed. 



Secure Linux-based soft­ware and indus­trial hard­ware – developed by Store­moods in Germany for a reli­able 24/7 operation. 

Store­moods has been featured in:

„Thanks to Storemoods we always offer our customers an inviting atmosphere in our stores.“ 

Ivo Reuter, Head of Retail at Rotkäppchen-Mumm

Many renowned companies already trust us. SMEs, chain store companies and corporations.

What is Storemoods Instore Radio and how does it work?

Store­moods’ in-store radio tech­no­logy gener­ates a unique music program for each loca­tion based on data such as store occu­pancy, customer demo­graphics and weather. 

We offer reli­able CMO-licensed and CMO-free Instore Radio solu­tions – also called POS radio or shop radio – for retail as well as the hotel and food industry.

In addi­tion to a variety of care­fully curated back­ground music chan­nels, our services also include the creation of indi­vidual music formats for chain stores as well as the produc­tion of sound elements such as jingles and commercials. 

What is CMO-free music?

CMO-free music means that the play­back of our Instore Radio is fully licensed with us directly and that there is no need to pay addi­tional fees to your local Collective Manage­ment Organ­isa­tion. Espe­cially for large shop floors, this can be a signi­ficant cost saver. 

What is the effect of in-store radio?

Instore radio fills the space with a sound tailored to your brand and creates a unique atmo­sphere. This supports your brand and posit­ively influ­ences the percep­tion of your customers. With in-store radio, you use a proven commu­nic­a­tion channel and reach your customers directly at the point of sale. 

  • Instore radio increases customer satis­fac­tion and dwell time.
  • Used correctly, consid­er­able increases in sales can be achieved.
  • Instore radio promotes products and services directly at the point of sale.

How much does Storemoods in-store radio cost?

The monthly fees depend on the size of the store and the selected service package.

Store­moods offers various pack­ages for imple­menting everything from conven­tional in-store music applic­a­tions to intel­li­gent in-store radio solu­tions. You may find our pricing here.

What are the advantages of Storemoods’ intelligent in-store radio?

The music programs, which are perfectly adapted to different indus­tries, are char­ac­ter­ized by uniform volume levels and increased play­back quality. Thanks to our tech­no­logy, developed in-house in Germany, you can rely on a secure and data-protec­tion-compliant implementation. 

In addi­tion, our unique real-time tech­no­logy, together with a scientific approach, has been proven to provide signi­ficant increases in sales and facil­it­ates a wide range of integ­ra­tions with other retail tech­no­lo­gies such as in-store analytics and digital signage. 

How easy is it to switch to Storemoods?

The Store­moods Media Player simply needs to be connected to the audio system in the store. This is usually done quickly. The connec­tion can also be done by our profes­sional media tech­ni­cians. Mean­while, Store­moods takes care of the initial setup of your intel­li­gent music program so that you can get started right away.

In addi­tion, we can provide a full service including consulting, plan­ning, install­a­tion and commis­sioning of loud­speaker and media tech­no­logy solu­tions on request.

Do I have to be an IT expert to use the Storemoods system?

No. Despite the smart tech­no­logy, the system is very easy to use – espe­cially because many things run auto­mat­ic­ally in the back­ground without your intervention. 

We have made it our mission to make reli­able tech­no­logy easily access­ible for every retailer. There­fore, we put a lot of emphasis on profes­sional customer service, which will quickly help you with any ques­tions you may have. 

Let’s get it started
Make the most of your retail space and learn more about the cutting-edge Instore Radio by Storemoods with a free trial.