Yvo Schirmer explained why informative spots on in-store radio perform significantly better than pure product spots based on a supermarket study conducted by Storemoods at the retail salsa webtalk organized by EuroShop and iXtenso.
Press Section
Relevant mentions, articles and other contributions

September 2022
The challenge of in-store marketing measures

December 2021
Last Christmas hat ausgespielt
In an interview with Absatzwirtschaft, we explain why the classic Wham! song is still not always the best choice for getting customers into the Christmas spirit.

October 2021
What is behind intelligent in-store media concepts?
In the fourth episode of the EHI Retail Insights podcast, Yvo Schirmer, founder and CEO of Storemoods, is a guest of podcast host Caroline Martens. Yvo talks about Storemoods’ current projects.
Source: EHI Retail Insights – Podcast Folge #4 with Yvo Schirmer (German)

November 2019
DJ, play me a song while I shop!
Increase sales with music? In an interview with iXtenso, our Managing Director Yvo Schirmer explains how this can work.
Source: iXtenso – Magazine for Retailers

June 2019
Storemoods – The very individual in-store radio
Music is a matter of taste. In an interview with etailment, the founder of Storemoods explains how the Storemoods concept differs from conventional music in retail.
Quelle: etailment startups – The start-up magazine from Der Handel (German)
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